1:1 Support for Parents of Neurodivergent Kids


🔥Get your burning questions answered directly by an OT.🔥

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🌟Topics we can discuss:

While this list is not exhaustive, these are some of the common topics that I enjoy supporting parents through. 


Sensory Processing & Emotional Regulation

I can teach you all about the specific sensory systems impacted in the tasks and activities your child struggles with. I'll explain the concepts in an easy to understand way so that you better understand your child. 

I can also teach you about the connection that sensory regulation has with emotional regulation (aka why those meltdowns happen) and some ways you can support your child. 

Fine Motor & Gross Motor 

I can teach you all about motor milestones, how they develop, what's "expected" for a certain age and how to best support your child where they are at so they can start making progress without feeling overwhelmed. This includes things like: handwriting, pencil grasp, playground motor skills, etc. 


I'll give you the words and tools to advocate for your child in the school setting by providing you suggestions for supports in the classroom and ways to seek further support from teachers or other service providers. 


Yes, there's a ton of free information out there on the internet, but how do you know if it's reliable? How do you know if it applies to your child?


🛑Stop wasting your time googling and scrolling. Write down all your questions and ask an OT directly. 

Book a 1:1 Call Now

Hey! I'm Laura

I'm your (virtual) neighborhood OT mom. Not the Pinterest-worthy, #blessed kind of mom with a perfect lifestyle and pristine playroom.

I'm the average, work smart not hard kinda mom who just happens to be an OT and know a lot about childhood development and sensory processing. 

I say work smarter not harder because my favorite way to play with my daughter involves me laying on a couch sending her on scavenger hunts or me playing the very sick (in a coma) patient while she does a doctor checkup. 

You might be thinking… why are you throwing yourself under the bus, aren't you supposed to be telling me why I should hire you?


YES! If you want a relatable, down to Earth, extremely knowledgable OT who only gives you suggestions that are doable with your given schedule and resources at hand- I'm your girl.

Did I mention I'm neurodivergent myself with anxiety and sensory sensitivities that are very similar to the neurotype my daughter has?  So when I say "I get it", I REALLY GET IT. I've sat on both sides of the table, multiple times. 


I get the exhaustion and the desperation. I get the isolation.


With my empathy as a mom in the trenches just like you, + my valuable experience and knowledge as an Occupational Therapist, I can help you get a clear understanding of what's going on in that tiny human brain and how you can start working with them instead of against them. 



Single Q&A 1:1 Coaching Call


1 Action Packed call with Q&A

45 Minute face to face Zoom call

Recording available to you

Notes/handouts/slides sent to you

Learn the why behind certain behaviors and next steps for you to take

Ask questions like: 

"Why is my child doing this behavior?"

"Can you tell me more about SPD?"

"Which professional is best to evaluate my child?" 
"How do I explain SPD to my family?"


OT Parent Coaching Triplet Package


3 Coaching Calls

Three 45 minute face to face Zoom calls

schedule at your own convenience, use "as needed" or use as a consecutive plan (1x/month or 1x/week)

Recording available to you

Take a deep dive into the why behind certain behaviors and next steps for you to take

Fix/troubleshoot/adjust any recommendations or strategies that were suggested that may not work

Notes/handouts/slides sent to you


Wondering what my availability looks like in the next 30 days? 


Use the calendar below to preview what times I have open- but this is NOT where you will book your call. You will receive a separate link to your email to my actual booking calendar after you pay for your calls. 


Frequently Asked Questions